Click the Dropbox icon from the menu bar.Open the Dropbox folder on your computer.Mac Instructions: How do I make content online-only? As projects get larger, networks get faster, and hard drive space becomes more of a valuable commodity, Smart Sync allows users to choose which files are stored locally and which files are stored in the cloud.

Smart Sync is a reliable way of using cloud-based storage to maximize efficiency by minimizing the amount of storage used by project data on individual users’ PCs and Laptops. Note: To use Smart Sync, you need to install the Dropbox desktop application on your computer.

You can directly edit these files from applications on your computer. Local content is downloaded and saved on the hard drive of your computer. Only information about the file, such as the file name, location, and date the file was updated, is downloaded. You can see the file, but the content isn’t fully downloaded until you need it.

Online-only content appears in the Dropbox folder on your computer, but doesn’t use the full amount of space that the file otherwise would. With Smart Sync, content on your computer is available as either online-only, local, or in mixed state folders.